I flew into Upstate NY to surprise my brother for his 30th birthday and I was welcoming the free time at the airport to think, journal, and create some stuff. As the day went on I didn't have the same welcoming thoughts.
My flights continued to be delayed longer and longer and as the delays went on I witnessed humanity at it's worse. People in general are so caught up in the hustle and bustle of life and what they are doing that they forget about the person standing next to them. I continue to be amazed at how terribly we treat one another. Is it that difficult to be nice, say hello, not push and cut in line? I thought that we were in the 21st century instead of in the cave man era....
It really shouldn't surprise me as much as it does but I guess I'm an optimist that wants to believe that all people are treated equally despite their origin, etc and that we all treat each other with love and kindness.
On a brighter note I did meet a few amazing people that I really enjoyed talking to and they made the trip more enjoyable. It's always nice to meet interesting people and be reminded that good people still exist despite the people that have lost their way. Yesterday was a great reminder to stay focused on keeping life simple, treat people with respect, dignity and kindness and it's sad that people have lost their way.
So.....in the midst of life's rush people are still people and kindness still exists.
And by the way....the airport lost my luggage.
It's nice to hear someone elses thoughts on the outside looking in. These same thoughts fill my head each day as I experience others in the rush!
I do believe and have faith that many in the Rush will find their way in their own time,along their own journey. And that perhaps our own interaction with them in our kindness of word,gesture,or smile will move them to a new place in their day or Life.
About a year ago I enjoyed a new artist's acoustic performance @ Borders."Sam Fisher" from Atlanta,Ga ~ His CD called "People Living" and song by the same name,lends this steady stream of thought recognized by you and I.
Others"Countin'on Love,In the Grey,Revolution".WWW.samsongs.com
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.They do matter,and your awareness will always make a difference in others lives. Especially to those in the rush,those who have lost their way,or those that may be living In the Grey.
rockdawn ~
Interesting turn of events...
Approximately 1 hour after being rear ended today I am approaching a yellow light. Instead of RUSHING through it I stop for my safety and I hear BBBBEEEEEPPPPPP!!!! I look in the rear view mirror and this guy is screaming obsenities to me. I think to myself what has got you in such a rush that you feel the need to be so obnoxious??? Maybe you should have left a few minutes earlier.
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