Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Whimsical Women Art Show

Have you been to this fabulous art show?  Each year there are two opportunities to partake in this fabulous experience.  In the fall, the art show is held in Pfafftown, NC, and then every spring, it takes place in Chapel Hill, NC.   This incredible show features a phenomenal group of women featuring funky, whimsical art.  It's a feast for the eyes and nourishment for the soul.

I have been blessed beyond measure to be a part of it for a few years now, both in Pfafftown and Chapel Hill.  It fills my cup to create art for the show, to be surrounded by a unique group of supportive women, and to see the amazing creativity everyone brings to the show.  The show's energy isn't anything I can adequately describe in words.  It's pure and wonderful MaGiC!

I hope to see you there...  stop by my table, say hello, and share your favorite part of the show.  I'd love to hear what you love about it.  It's a great way to shop for Mother's Day or to treat yourself with a beautiful and unique piece of art for your home or body.  

Whimsical Women have their own blog which features news about the upcoming art shows, events some of the whimsical women artists are holding, and posts leading up to the fall/spring art show, giving a sneak peak of art that will be at the show.  To receive their information, click the following link:  http://whimsical-women.blogspot.com/ and sign up for their mailing list.

Please pass the information on....  share the magic.  ;)