I have always wanted to journey to far away places. Places I dream about in my mind and with my mind's eye. I hope one day I will see the places I dream about with my eyes but for now I live vicariously through my friends that do travel.
I luckily have a few friends that travel abroad to far away places as well as in our own lush country. I feel blessed that they write about their travels and while reading, I feel like I am with them.
My friend, Pat Ryan, maintains a travel blog ( http://patryantravels.wordpress.com/ ) and this summer published two books about his journeys. I wanted to share them because they are fun to read, affordable and maybe you are like me....
You want to travel, explore and experience another world but so far it hasn't been part of the universe's plan. I know one day it will be.
You can purchase his books here:
Personally, I like to hold the book, it completes the experience for me. He does offer paperback or Ebook so everyone wins.
Your journey awaits...